The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Week 2

I just got home from my second team training, and it was pretty good. We were on a trail by a swamp, so it wasn't really the ideal conditions, but no cramps and I made much better time. The only snag was that they weren't too clear on the exact course and what we needed to do to get in our mileage, so I'm not sure if I actually did 6 miles or not. It doesn't matter a lot- I did my best and definitely improved over last week. I'm stretching A LOT and drinking lots of fluids. Heck, Seth isn't here to rub my feet & legs, and I'm actually okay. And I haven't fallen into bed yet, so great strides have already been made!!
Next week? Seven miles, baby.

Update on Sunday:
I was obsessed with knowing how far I actually went yesterday, and looking up the trail mileage didn't satisfy me, because we also walked on the street after the trail. So I had Seth drive me down to the trail today (it's only about 35 minutes) and we measured the distance from the trailhead to the spot on the road where I turned around. As it turns out, I only did 5.5 miles instead of 6, but I can live with that. I just didn't want it to only be 5 or less.
*pshew* That issue is resolved!


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