The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

An update

I actually feel like I've had a little running success, so I figured I should write it here a little bit.
I've run twice in this new year, and it was good. As I said before, I'm not pushing myself, I'm not doing lots of miles, and I'm not registering for races.  Oh, but all of these things are hard, I tell you.  Especially when I do well on a run- I want to push next time.  But I shan't.  I see races and they look like so much fun!!! But I won't.  Maybe towards the end of the year, but not yet. Part of me really wants to enter the lottery to get into Nike, but I don't have the money anyway, so that answers that.  And I don't want to push.

Today and Saturday, I just ran for a half hour, and both times I ran for 18 minutes out of the 30.  I did 3 minutes of running & 2 walking, which is pretty good.  I'm going fairly slow, but it's working.  I had a dream 2 nights in a row that by just doing that barely running thing, I could go and go and go.  So I'm trying to chill. Just chill. My calves hurt a bit, but they get over it.

I've gone down to to soccer fields where I like to take the dog, and I'm really enjoying it.  It's a place where both the dog & I can safely run in the evening. I go on the creek trail a little bit, and then I circle the parking lots.  When I'm done, I throw his ball for a bit while I stretch & do push-ups.  It works & I like it.  Tonight, I had a stray minute to run, so I ran all out for that minute. I was glad when it was done, but glad that I did it. 

Then the dog ran off, like an idiot, so I actually ran a bit more.  It's good.

I don't know my distance- probably at least 2 miles- but I'm not even going to start checking for a while. I'm taking baby steps.  I'm trying to get stronger.  I'm enjoying myself.  I'll get better at the short runs for a bit, then maybe set a distance goal or up the time.  We'll see. 

Tomorrow? I'll head to the gym, hoping there aren't big crowds.  I plan on either swimming or biking. Or both. I hatey hate hate swimming, but I should practice once in a while. Heck, when I was training for the tri, I did all 3 when I went to the gym, in the order of the tri. 

I have a good outlook and I am determined to keep it.  I don't care what my friends on twitter are doing. I'm not them.  I will keep my brain focused on me and my own race.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you, Robin!!

7:40 AM


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