The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Almost there!

This was another week of 10 miles, and it was pretty good. We were at the park right here in town, but we went on different trails and roads than I've been on, so it was nice to see different parts and I can now add those to my training routes.

I was a little concerned going into Saturday's walk because I had taken Thursday & Friday off because my left calf mutinied Wednesday. I've had a knot-type thing for a few weeks, and it briefly turned into searing pain when I was walking at the park on Wednesday. That was fun. But I just had to limp to a good spot to stretch a bit more, and then I was able to finish my walk.

One thing I did notice last week and this week was that I got hella tired at about mile 8. I haven't worried much about what I eat for fuel during training because everything seemed to be working fine, but maybe I need to start experimenting a bit more as I get up into the higher mileages. Another possibility is that I got little sleep before both Saturdays. Sleep probably helps with energy- it's a theory I'm working on.


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