The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Letter from an Honoree

I just want to share this e-mail that we all got from one of our honorees- one who also walked with us in the marathon. Hank is amazing, and aside from this being his 4th 1/2 marathon, he has also done a hundred-mile bike ride and a triathalon with TNT. And this is about 3 years after being diagnosed with leukemia! He is one of the reasons I kept going when both the training and the fundraising sucked, and seeing him always inspired me.

I know you've gotten a bunch of messages from everyone about how spectacularly you all did at Nike, both completing the event and all the money you raised for research and patient services, but I just want to add another special note.
Four months ago you signed up with TNT and thinking back to our first race, there were some big unknowns. Could we do the race? How are we going to raise the money? At first our focus wasn't as much on all the other people in TNT as it was on surviving the training, finishing the race and raising the money. We soon came to realize we were with an elite group of people who were doing something very special. They were making a difference to help people stricken with these cancers to live better lives and encourage them to keep fighing.
You all are part of that elite group and you have made a big difference in my life. Your energy, support and drive to finish helps give me the energy to keep going through all that Leukemia throws at me, and I know I'm not alone in my battle.
For both the team honorees, the personal honorees and those loved ones who've lost the battle, I thank you for being part of our team and being a part of our lives.
Let's do it again!


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