The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Where I is at.

We're doing alright with the walking. I was sick for a week and then my mother was here for a week, soooo....not too hot. I'll be back on it tomorrow, I promise. Pinky swear!
As usual, it's harder for Seth to get out regularly, and we really need to be bumping up his mileage, because WE ARE DOING the Avenue of the Giants 1/2 marathon in May. I am telling you!!!! (teeth gritted and fists clenched) We will prevail!!

Our weather has been absolutely fabulous, so the getting outside is much more enticing. I also have been walking with one of my new friends, so that is also good for me, not as great for Seth. And I haven't done a big walk in a while, which alarms me a bit. Oh well.

On a side note, I had a dream last night that I was rollerblading all over the place- over rough terrain, tree trunks, jumping things, zooming past people, basically running on my blades uphill. The even sweeter part? I was hurrying to get to wherever I was going because I was doing a half marathon in a few minutes. Hah! When I woke up, I still thought I was capable of that. For a few, dreamy minutes.


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