The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Oof! My aching ankles!

Well, I had been pretty good about walking semi-regularly, but illness and company got in the way of that this month. Things are now back to normal (I think) and Seth and I are back on the bandwagon!

Yesterday we didn't have as much time as I wanted, but we got in about 5.5 miles. It was so great to be out there, sweating our booties off, walking and working. It appears that Seth can't run- his shins don't like it one bit, so I'm a bit torn on the running thing. One of my friends wants to start training to run a half marathon, so I may do that with her and just try to increase my walk pace with Seth. Yesterday we did an average of about 3mph, and that just ain't cuttin' it for a marathon.

In fun news- I got an MP3 player! Look at me- charging into the 21st century. It's not fancy or anything, but I love it. I've walked with it twice now, and I'm not quite sure how I ever walked without it. Love it, love it. A bit difficult to not sing, though. Oh well. It's good aerobically, even if people look at me funny.

The plan is to do a half marathon next month (even if we can't get into an official one, we'll do the miles to see where we stand with our pace) and then a full in the fall/winter. We're eyeing a couple in the Sacramento area in Nov/Dec. I am also going to ask my friend about doing the San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon in October.

For now, I need to get more water bottles in the freezer and some ice packs- I'm a sore girl!! (But I love it.)