The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Finally, I get something into my thick head

I started to finally realize this week that I just cannot run when it's hot out.  It just sucks all the energy out of me and it sucks.  Not every time, because I have had days where I just wanted to run and did it anyway and was glad that I did, but if I had kept track of pain, I'm sure that I didn't feel too hot after those runs.

My other two runs this week sucked.  They sucked.  Big toes.  Suckage.  Monday I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill, which is normally faster than real life, but not this time.  And it hurt a lot.  I was about falling asleep I was so beat down by the time I was cooling down.  Wednesday, I went to the track and it was just too hot.  I hurt as soon as I started running, which is odd for a pleasantly squishy track, so I aborted after a mile and a half.  I just walked after that. 

But tonight?  I realized that it would do me no good to go during the day, so I went out around 7:30, and it was actually chilly when I started.  I almost regretted not wearing long sleeves, but knew I'd get over that quickly.  If I can wander around San Francisco at 4:30 in morning in shorts and a t-shirt, I can run in the evening here. 

As soon as I started the run, I felt different.  I felt really tall today and strong.  My stride was great and I was just trucking.  I tried to hold back a little bit, but I'm not really good at that yet.  I need to work.  When my body wants to fly (my brand of flying, not comparative flying) I want to let it!  But that's why I was a little bit slower on the way back, but it was still great.  I'm just really happy.