The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Not much racing, but things are good

So. Well. Marathons aren't happening right now. Over the course of the summer and fall, I started realizing that maybe wanting Seth and I to do a full wasn't a realistic/fun/worthwhile goal. I mean, I want it to be enjoyable, not a chore. So I was in the process of letting go of the dream of a full this year, planning on doing a half, when Seth broke his leg. I know that he just did it to get out of doing a marathon. He's sneaky like that.
I still wanted to do a half, but it has basically been a matter of money. All the races I wanted to do had entry fees of $75 or so, and I just couldn't do it this fall. But I'm making my goal different, anyway. At this point, I know that I can do a half marathon whenever I want, so I'll do one when it comes up- probably in February I'll do the Kaiser race- but what I'm really going to work on is running. I want to run an entire 5k, and then we'll see where I go from there. I may just bump it up to a 10k, etc. I ran a whole mile for the first time the other day, and it was pretty great. Now, if only I could find an all downhill 5k, I'd be ready!! (Of course, I'd have to practice my downhill technique more first. Don't want to blow my knees.)

A couple months ago, I finally said something I never thought I'd say: I love running!

The songs you hear here are my favorite running songs, with the Linkin Park song being numero uno for getting me going. I've gotten to the point now where when I hear good running songs on the radio, I want to be running. I picture myself just going----!