The triumphs and travails of my foray into the world of athleticism.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ack! I swear I'm still being active.

Well, I missed the last 1/2 marathon I registered for because I was in Michigan, but I've registered for another one. On August 30th will be the inaugural Santa Rosa Marathon, and I will be doing the 1/2. I'm very much looking forward to it. I can walk to the starting line from my house, and it will go down the trail that I like to walk on, by vineyards and such.

But!! There is a possible snag. My leg is acting VERY bratty. I thought that I may have a stress fracture, but I'm not sure now. But my left shin has been hurting for a few weeks now. Sometimes when I'm doing nothing; sometimes when driving. I can't even do the bike at the gym right now. Ugh. So, I've been swimming, which is okay. I don't love it and I'm not super good at it, but I know it's good for me. Using flippers really helps make it more fun.

So, I figure if I keep babying my leg, it will feel better soon. I helped some friends move today and walked a few blocks, and it was fine. I'm going to take it easy a while longer, then I'll try to run again- maybe in a week or two. Until then, I work on making it more than a length & half of the pool without gasping for air like a fish on land.